Modèle anatomique d'os AV210ESP
de tibiad'enseignementcanin

modèle anatomique d'os
modèle anatomique d'os
modèle anatomique d'os
modèle anatomique d'os
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Partie du corps
d'os, de tibia


AV210ESP - RIGHT TIBIA CANINE WITH FIBULA, MED. CANAL AND CANC. MATERIAL Nacional Ossos Standard (bones with natural Tibia curvature) With cortical, cancellous and medullary canal, with anatomy close to the natural bone of Siberian Husky dog. Developed in rigid polyurethane, it can be used in practical work and classes, demonstrations and training of surgical techniques such as prosthesis placement. Nacional Ossos Standard (bones with natural Tibia curvature) With cortical, cancellous and medullary canal, with anatomy close to the natural bone of Siberian Husky dog. Developed in rigid polyurethane, it can be used in practical work and classes, demonstrations and training of surgical techniques such as prosthesis placement.


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